When some people think of Sun Valley, it’s any guess what comes to mind, but one image the might catch one unexpectedly by the scruff of the neck, is the very real and very rad young artist community which calls this place home. Forget the image of Golden Girls meets Lawrence Welk in the mountains, we’ve got it going on. Being an artist in Sun Valley sounds about like nirvana, except living here has its challenges, like getting by. Which is the theme of a now in its third installment art show, Death to Day Jobs which is about creating that escape from working the daily grind in paradise. It’s about getting elevated to a higher level of paradise which sounds like a fantasy role playing game… but whatever. The art and artists not to mention super fun group that comes out for this show each year makes it without a doubt the place to be. All cozied up at Ochi Gallery on Lewis Street you will catch a beer buzz and revel in the hum of creativity, ironic eyeglasses, body ink, and people who look like the belong in the city, living life in the rad lane right here in Sun Valley. So be there, tonight, July 3rd at OCHI Gallery on Lewis Street, 7:00 pm sharp!

Rudi Brochofksy stands by with General Custer who will have some very interesting wall company in the coming nights. This was not created in the trailer so check out an upcoming blog for his process in creating this intricate work. Day Job: gallery manager

Tessa Sheehan knows a thing or two about art, horses and PBR, not necessarily in that order. She is also a great snow slider, loves trashy romance novels, and speed walking on the beach (ok those last two are not confirmed you might need to track her down and ask her yourself tonight). Day Job: Marketing Magician at Rocky Mountain Hardware.

Andy McCabe is all about the printed word in the last series of works he has produced for DTDJ’s. Having one of his pieces in your house is a nod to being in the local know and overall awesomeness. Day Job: Art Department Hooligan at Smith Optics

Charlotte Baker takes things that some people find obtuse and finds the beauty in them. A true local with a vaunted family history, Charlotte is deft at high fives and slashing pow on Baldy. Day Job: Graphic Artist

You’ve seen his photos all over this blog and all over the Sun Valley area covering action sports primarily but not afraid to let his art freak out and blow your mind with new and creative ways to show people doing amazing things. Here he let’s his art side loose as he is trying to pay off his new mountain bike. Day Job: Photographer and One Who Gets ‘Er Done.

Jen Galpin has created a series of iPhone photos that you can’t find an app for. Mind boggling monotype filters and realistic subject matter finishes are sign that she’s not only a true visionary but also holds the Day Job of mother of twin Evel Knevil sons.

Chatham Baker faces an unexpected Spanish Inquisition (I mean who expects a one anyway these days?) over his pencil and paper drawings created from computer renderings transfered to paper using hand applied dots. His day job: Art Director for Smith Optics.

Molly Snee puts big things in small frames and describes the world around her in drawing in photoshop elements to touch on her phobias of crowds, long lines and…. beards.

Aaron Pearson works in paint and lives around books. Dressed as Risky Business most of the week his day job is keeping the Community Library running clean.
So get out there and see all of the art and feel the awesome Sun Valley vibe tonight, July 3rd at 7:00 pm at Ochi Gallery
Photos: Ray Gadd