Join us for a morning of self care at the spa! Take a couple of hours to exhale, nurture your body and soul and enjoy simply being. The morning will include a botanically-based facial and time to relax in our verdant greenhouse (yes, it’s green and beautiful even in February!). This is a hands on experience in a rustic atmosphere. We ask for a $44 exchange for this offering. Space is limited and reservations are required. Reserve your spot by visiting or by calling (208) 726-9358.
Conversational Spanish Class
Hailey Public Library is pleased to offer Conversational Spanish, a new weekly class for intermediate Spanish speakers starting Tuesday, February 18, and running through June 24. It will be held from noon – 1:00 PM at Town Center West, 116 S River Street. Taught by popular language tutor Leonardo Padilla Sacha, the free class will be structured around specific topics each week and focused on developing fluency and practical speaking skills. Drop ins are welcome. For more information, visit
The Space Aprés Ski
The Space welcomes you for a casual open house style gathering to learn more about how The Space is transforming teens’ relationship with their education.
KRC Workspace
Ketchum Remote Collective (KRC) aims to bridge the intangible gap between the Wood River Valley’s physical community and the remote workplace for many of its residents. Come meet and spend part of your week working alongside other remote workers. Drop in Tuesdays between 1:00 and 4:00 p.m. in The Community Library’s Lecture Hall, unless otherwise noted on our calendar.
Hispanic Heritage Celebration at Bellevue Memorial Park
The Hispanic Heritage month celebrations continue. Join us at Bellevue Memorial Park on Saturday, September 21st from Noon to 4:00pm. There will be music, games, bouncy houses, awards and food. ____ Las celebraciones por el mes de Herencia Hispana continúan. Acompáñenos en el Memorial Park de Bellevue el sábado 21 de Setiembre desde el mediodía hasta las 4:00pm. Habrá música, juegos, saltarines, premios y comida.
Foreign Policy Transparency and Freedom of the Press
5:00PM Mollie & Mark Hemingway, Panelists First Amendment on the Precipice: Future of Freedom of the Press Mollie Ziegler Hemingway is the Editor-in-Chief of The Federalist, Senior Journalism Fellow at Hillsdale College, and a Fox News Contributor. She is the co-author of the national bestseller Justice on Trial: The Kavanaugh Confirmation and the Future of the Supreme Court and author of the bestseller Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections. Mark Hemingway is a senior writer at RealClearInvestigations and the books editor at The Federalist. He has written for outlets as diverse as The Wall Street Journal and, and has appeared on C-Span’s Washington Journal, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, and National Public Radio’s All Things Considered. He is married to journalist and Fox News contributor Mollie Hemingway, and they have two daughters. Catered Intermission Peter Schweizer, Keynote Speaker China’s Hidden War on America Schweizer will discuss his most recent investigative work analyzing China’s threat to America, economically, socially, and militarily. He will share eye-opening data and how we can raise awareness of the imperative to break China’s grip on America’s federal and state policymaking, so that we can preserve our freedoms and economic prosperity. …
HPL Celebrates Hispanic Heritage with Kickoff Party!
The Hailey Public Library takes great pleasure in launching Hispanic Heritage Month with a Family Friendly Kickoff, 4:00 – 7:00 PM on Friday, September 13, at Town Center West, 7 W Croy. Father and son duo Quinta Generaćion return with lively songs and great music. Local Salvadorian restaurant Lago Azul will offer delicious food with the first 50 meals free. Kid’s activities are the heart and soul of the Kickoff. This year’s activities include face painting, tissue paper flowers, Jenga and piñatas. The evening concludes with rousing rounds of Lotería, a traditional Mexican game similar to bingo but played with pinto beans as markers on special cards. Bilingual callers Herbert Romero & friends get the whole family involved and winners of each round get great prizes. For more information, visit
A joint show by two sisters who are inspired by the beauty and importance of preserving wilderness areas. Cubby West Spain is a painter who uses line and shape to find and define forms in the landscape. Working with gouache, watercolor, acrylic and oils, Spain paints subjects such as western landscapes and the American buffalo employing her distinct use of pattern and intentional brush strokes. Ansley West Rivers is an artist whose photographic practice focuses on the intersection of landscape and humanity. For the past ten years, Rivers has been photographing American rivers including her own watershed in Idaho’s Teton Valley. Using historical photographic techniques and a large format film camera, she layers several shots on each piece of film with masking made in camera to create an expansion on the singular landscape image.