Panel and Discussion with Fred Hutch Leaders

The Community Library

We’re in an era of both amazing scientific breakthroughs and immense health care challenges and opportunities. Join us for a conversation about the newest advances in cancer research and care — and what’s on the horizon — with three leaders from Fred Hutch Cancer Center in Seattle who are making those leaps possible. Learn how discoveries are being transformed into ever-more personalized and effective cancer care as part of Fred Hutch’s pursuit of healthier lives for every person in every community. Come curious — there will be plenty of time for Q&A. Panelists will include Thomas J. Lynch Jr., MD, President and Director and Raisbeck Endowed Chair; Bruce Clurman, MD, PhD, Executive Vice President, Chief Scientific Officer and Deputy Director, and Rosput Reynolds Endowed Chair; and Sara Hurvitz, MD, Senior Vice President and Director of the Clinical Research Division.


Hermoine: The Freedom Frigate

The Community Library

Marc Onetto will share the history of the 18th century French ship that brought Lafayette to America and aided in the fight for independence against the British. He'll also discuss the 2005 replica of the ship and current efforts to repair it and continue the Hermoine legacy in preparation for the 250th anniversary of U.S. independence in 2026. Visit to learn more and register to attend.


Preserving Family Recipes with Cynthia Nims

The Community Library

Preserving cherished recipes from family and friends is a meaningful way to keep traditions alive and to ensure associated memories remain vibrant. Join Seattle-based author Cynthia Nims for a writing workshop focused on the value of these most beloved recipes. Cynthia has been writing recipes for cookbooks and magazines for many years. Inspiration for those recipes comes from countless sources, among them are recipes that had a beginning in her mom’s kitchen. She’ll talk about the treasure that she considers her mother’s falling-apart recipe folder to be. And she’ll share examples of how recipes that may seem a bit dated can find a place in your kitchen today. Bring along a cherished family recipe or two, if you like. There will be time for an informal exercise to help capture the stories of these recipes. In partnership with the Sun Valley Culinary Institute. Register at to attend.


Hemingway Distinguished Lecture: JOY HARJO

The Community Library

The annual Hemingway Distinguished Lecture is presented each July by The Community Library, honoring the month of Ernest Hemingway’s birth and death. The event celebrates the power of words and the creative spirit in a landscape that Hemingway loved. This year, The Community Library welcomes JOY HARJO, who in 2019 was appointed the 23rd United States Poet Laureate: the first Native American to hold the position and only the second person to serve three terms in the role. Harjo’s ten books of poetry include Weaving Sundown in a Scarlett Light, An American Sunrise, Conflict Resolution for Holy Beings, How We Became Human: New and Selected Poems, and She Had Some Horses. She is also the author of two memoirs, Crazy Brave and Poet Warrior, which invites us to travel along the heartaches, losses, and humble realizations of her “poet-warrior” road. She has edited several anthologies of Native American writing including When the Light of the World was Subdued, Our Songs Came Through — A Norton Anthology of Native Nations Poetry, and Living Nations, Living Words, the companion anthology to her signature poet laureate project. Her many writing awards include the 2022 Ivan Sandrof Lifetime Achievement Award, the 2019 Jackson Prize from Poets ...


The Search for Extraterrestrial Life: Europa

The Community Library

One of the most asked questions in astronomy is whether we are alone in the universe. Life on earth is abundant with the most obvious example: ourselves. However, we also see life in less obvious places like the Mariana Trench which reaches depths of around 36,000 feet---think the altitude of a commercial airplane but underwater! The life we see at these depths is typically microbial but relies on one major factor: hydrothermal vents. One other place we may see this similar microbial life is on Europa, one of Jupiter’s numerous moons. In October 2024, NASA aims to begin the journey to Europa and determine if extraterrestrial life is closer than we thought. Speaker Lauren Osburn is a recent graduate of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Florida, where she earned her Bachelor's degree in Astronomy and Astrophysics. During her undergraduate studies, she became interested in the possibility of extraterrestrial life within our solar system, and in the history and evolution of the universe. She also completed a research project in estimating the age of one of the oldest known globular clusters. Passionate about making the wonders and beauty of space accessible to everyone, she hopes to demystify astronomical concepts and ...


“Boss Lady” with Alli Frank and Asha Youmans

The Community Library

Join us for an evening with Alli Frank and Asha Youmans, co-authors of the new novel "Boss Lady." The mission of their four novels is to to use humor, joy and compassion to write stories that encourage candid conversations about issues such as race, religion, culture, class, privilege, parenting and education and this one does not disappoint on the laughter front. This program will be held outdoors (weather permitting) on the Library's Donaldson Robb Family Lawn. Bring a camp chair or blanket and join us for a rollicking evening with this hilarious and warm-hearted duo. About BOSS LADY: Meet Antonia “Toni” Arroyo. Her protective mother has outdated notions for her daughter’s life: employ her natural beauty and marry young. But Toni has wholly different aspirations. A promising inventor and budding entrepreneur, Toni fights to keep her passions alive as a financially strapped mother of twins with a job in airport transportation services that has her going in circles. One treasured frequent passenger is elderly traveler Sylvia Eisenberg, Toni’s sage but unofficial adviser and cheerleader. When Toni meets Sylvia’s grandson, Ash, a striking venture capitalist, luck just might bend her way. With a game-changing new business endeavor in development, Toni hustles ...


Book Around the Block!

The Community Library

Join us for a summer open house at The Community Library, Gold Mine Thrift, Gold Mine Consign, and the Wood River Museum of History and Culture. We're going to "Book Around the Block" for literacy, history, shopping, community, food, and fun, with activities for all ages.


“Legacy Lost”

The Community Library

Growing up white in Washington state, Barbara Hilyer’s dad never told her anything about his family—except that his mother was “crazy.” Ten years after his death, she learned his sister was living in Hawai’i. Discovering “the family secret” introduced her to the concept of passing, and the complex nature of race and identity. Uncommon in the white world, passing is a familiar concept among African Americans. Meeting her aunt, an African American woman deeply involved in state politics, took Barbara’s life in a new direction, which led her to Hilo, Minneapolis, Washington, DC, and the Deep South—researching the extended family she could never know, and the historic times that defined them. This story challenges America’s oversimplified view of race and explores how different individuals across generations pursued all available avenues of opportunity to define their lives in a race-conscious society. American history is not white history, although it has been presented that way. The times call for a truth telling. S. Barbara Hilyer spent her public school teaching career in Ashland, Oregon, where she taught elementary school as well as middle and high school social studies, including American History. She holds a Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instructional Leadership. At ...


Churchill and Ireland with Lee Pollock

The Community Library

The Misunderstood Relationship Between Britain's Greatest Statesman and the Emerald Isle, presented by acclaimed Churchill speaker and popular Community Library presenter Lee Pollock, Director and Senior Advisor to the Board of The International Churchill Society. Registration is recommended to save your seat. This program will be livestreamed and available to view later. Image from the cover of Churchill and Ireland by Paul Bew, Oxford University Press (2016).


Ernest Hemingway Seminar

The Community Library

The Community Library's 2024 Ernest Hemingway Seminar will be held September 5-7, with an opening reception and keynote lecture on Thursday evening beginning at 5:00 p.m., and with two days of lectures, panels, and films on Friday and Saturday from 10:00-6:00 p.m. each day. Our theme, speakers, and registration will be announced in Spring 2024.

Coming to Life: A Fresh Take on End-of-Life Planning

The Community Library

It’s never too soon to thoughtfully plan for the end of your life. In our society, this topic is often avoided as it can feel overwhelming or depressing, or it’s limited to estate planning and/or advance directives. However, purpose-full preparation for dying is much more and can actually be life-giving, healing, and deeply rewarding. In this presentation, Susan Bauer-Wu offers insights and practical suggestions to cultivate inner resources and create concrete plans needed to approach mortality with clear eyes, thankful hearts, ease, and joy. This fresh take on end-of-life planning leads to a greater sense of what matters to you now, solid plans for your future, and lasting gifts for you and your loved ones. Susan Bauer-Wu, PhD, RN is a nationally and globally recognized leader in contemplative science and end-of-life care and a celebrated author. As someone who has journeyed the last phase of life with hundreds of people over four decades, Susan transforms how we think about and prepare for the end — starting with the reality that death or serious illness can strike anytime, often when we least expect it. Susan previously served for eight years as the president of the Mind & Life Institute, an international ...


Fraud and Senior Financial Exploitation Prevention

The Community Library

Join The Community Library, the Idaho Department of Finance, the Idaho Commission on Aging- Adult Protective Services, AARP Idaho, and other key stakeholders for an information session on how to identify, prevent, and report financial fraud and suspected senior financial exploitation. This in-person gathering is your opportunity to meet and learn from experts about the best ways to protect the finances of you and your loved ones from fraud and criminal actors. Whether you're a business owner, investor, caregiver, or simply interested in protecting your personal assets, this event is for you. The presentation will be followed by a meet and greet with the experts. Light refreshments are included, and door-raffle prizes will be available.


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