Steve Hackman • The Times, They Are A-Changin’
The ArgyrosA musical visionary of incomparable gifts, Steve Hackman is a daring voice leading the charge among a new generation of classical musicians intent on redefining the genre. Equally adept in classical and popular forms, his breadth of musical fluency and technique is uncanny - he is at once a composer, conductor, producer, DJ, arranger, songwriter, singer, pianist, and even rapper. He uses those wide-ranging abilities to create ingenious hybrid compositions that blur the lines between high and pop art and challenge our very definitions thereof. The Times, They Are A-Changin’ is an evening of reimagined music by Bob Dylan. Special two night package pricing available for the July 26 & 27 shows. Cabaret Seats • $75 Tiered Seats • $40 Young Adults 30 and under • $20