Comida Peruana – Evento Cultural Gratuito / Peruvian Food – Free Cultural Event
Sawtooth Botanical GardenLa Mesa Comunitaria, Vecinos Ayudando Veciones y Jhony's Peruvian restaurante invita al publico en general a un evento cultural gratuito, en donde podran degustar de una deliciosa "Pachamanca", un exquisito y tradicional potaje de Peru, cuya preparacion se realiza bajo tierra. Ademas habra diviersion para toda la familia. Sabado 12 de Agosot, 12pm - 3pm en el Sawtooth Botanical Garden. Para mas information, llamar a Calysta 208-720-2143, Karina 208-721-7983 o Romero 208-309-5902. _______ The Community Table, Neighbors Helping Neighbors and Jhony's Peruvian Restaurant are presenting a free cultural event for the public. Come enjoy a traditional peruvian dish: "Pachamanca", a traditional Peruvian dish baked with the aid of hot stones, an "underground hot stone barbecue" prepared by Andean people since the Incas. A fun family friendly event at the Sawtooth Botanical Garden.