Native Plants/Native Peoples

Hailey Town Center West

In recognition of Native American Heritage Month, the Hailey Public Library and the Wood River Chapter – Idaho Native Plant Society will co-host a talk on Native Plants/Native Peoples on Thursday, November 16, from 5:30-7:00 PM. Naturalist Kristin Fletcher will share some of the ways Idaho’s Indigenous peoples relied on native plants to not just survive but thrive in our harsh climate. Free; held at Town Center West.


Darn it! At The Community Library

The Community Library

Bring your holey sweaters, socks, beanies or other knits and learn to mend them yourself in a supportive and cozy environment. Don’t have anything to darn? Check out the holey cashmere bin at The Gold Mine Thrift Store starting on November 16 at the cashmere opening. All ages welcome. Drop in between 2:00 and 4:00 p.m. by the fireplace. Supplies provided.


Sun Valley Culinary Institute Thanksgiving Prep Masterclass

Sun Valley Culinary Institute

In this masterclass, you'll learn the art of preparing a memorable Thanksgiving dinner. Chef Melissa Mauselle will guide you through each step—from brining the turkey to creating delectable appetizers and show-stopping sides that explore twists on traditional holiday trimmings. Get ready to impress your guests with a feast they won't forget. Topics include: Planning Strategies, Turkey Brining 101, Mastering Soup Making, Crafting Delicious Appetizers, and Rejuvenating Classic Side Dishes. Recipes include: Turkey Brining & Preparation, Fig, Brie & Hazelnut Tartlets, Pumpkin Soup with Pepita, Croutons and Crème Fraîche, Sausage, Leek & Mushroom Bread Pudding, and Pumpkin Roll with Mascarpone Filling.

Event Series Knitting Circle with Patricia Lirk

Knitting Circle with Patricia Lirk

Hailey Public Library

A hint of autumn in the air means it’s time to knit! Master knitter and Sun Valley Needle Arts owner Patricia Lirk leads this informal monthly gathering at the Hailey Public Library from 5:30-7:00 PM on the third Tuesday of each month. Participants need to provide their own yarn and needles.


Weekly Meditation and Yoga

Flourish Foundation

Join the Flourish Foundation for this weekly meditation and yoga lead by Ryan Redman.

Weekly Meditation and Yoga

Flourish Foundation

Join the Flourish Foundation for this weekly meditation and yoga lead by Ryan Redman.

The Community Library Book Club: “Living Untethered”

The Community Library

The Community Library Book Club is hosted the first Wednesday of every other month and led by a diverse range of library staff. Books cover all genres from new fiction to classics to nonfiction, young adult, graphic novels, and everything in between. Register at to join the club. December's pick is "Living Untethered" by Michael A. Singer. The discussion will be led by communications manager Kyla Merwin. A New York Times bestseller, this transformative and highly anticipated guide will be your compass on an exciting new journey toward self-realization and unconditional happiness. The luminary author of "The Untethered Soul" takes us even deeper into the quest for inner peace and an energetic flow. "Living Untethered" offers powerful, practical guidance to understand and transform ourselves, our relationships, and our lives. Please come in or talk to our librarians about reserving a copy to read. The group will meet in the library's Programs Studio, downstairs from the Children's Library.

Event Series 1,000 Cranes Peace Project

1,000 Cranes Peace Project

Hailey Town Center West

With all the grim news coming in from around the world, the Hailey Public Library is offering a hopeful project to fold 1,000 Origami cranes in partnership with our community. Cranes are a symbol of peace in many Asian countries. Two, 2-hour workshops will be offered at Town Center West in Hailey, from 5:30-7:30 PM on Thursday, December 7 and another from 2:00-4:00 PM on Saturday, December 9. The free workshops can be taken singly or together. Materials will be provided. Each workshop begins with a short loving kindness meditation followed by a lesson in folding Origami cranes. Participants will then be invited to take their new skills and Origami paper home and fold more cranes with family and friends. Finished cranes will be gathered on December 18 at HPL and hung in the library on the Winter Solstice, December 21, where they will remain on display for a month.

Event Series 1,000 Cranes Peace Project

1,000 Cranes Peace Project

Hailey Town Center West

With all the grim news coming in from around the world, the Hailey Public Library is offering a hopeful project to fold 1,000 Origami cranes in partnership with our community. Cranes are a symbol of peace in many Asian countries. Two, 2-hour workshops will be offered at Town Center West in Hailey, from 5:30-7:30 PM on Thursday, December 7 and another from 2:00-4:00 PM on Saturday, December 9. The free workshops can be taken singly or together. Materials will be provided. Each workshop begins with a short loving kindness meditation followed by a lesson in folding Origami cranes. Participants will then be invited to take their new skills and Origami paper home and fold more cranes with family and friends. Finished cranes will be gathered on December 18 at HPL and hung in the library on the Winter Solstice, December 21, where they will remain on display for a month.


Weekly Meditation and Yoga

Flourish Foundation

Join the Flourish Foundation for this weekly meditation and yoga lead by Ryan Redman.

Introduction to Avalanches Presentation

Community Campus

Join the Friends of the Sawtooth Avalanche Center for a 2-hour presentation based on the Know Before You Go platform, introducing basic concepts about snow, avalanches, and traveling safely in and near avalanche terrain. Learn from the Friends of SAC instructor team of snow experts, mountain guides, and experienced avalanche educators. We invite everyone to join if you’re learning about avalanches for the first time or are a seasoned backcountry user ready for a yearly refresher. There is a $15 suggested donation, no preregistration required. You must attend the entire talk to register for the optional field session. You can register for an optional field session ($50 suggested donation) HERE  


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