We are a Holistic Health Center located in Ketchum, Idaho. Using the most advanced light touch application of chiropractic and principles of Functional Medicine, we are able to help people where other methods have failed. We address health concerns such as fatigue, depression, hormonal issues, aches and pains and many more serious problems by looking at underlying imbalances and restoring the body’s magical ability to heal. Dr. Maria is a 1984 Olympian in Downhill and her athletic pursuits brought her to Chiropractic as a means to ensure optimal body function and ever increasing levels of wellness in her and her patients’ lives. Joined with Dr. Tomomi Ikawa, the office offers Network Spinal Analysis, a light-touch method of chiropractic (no cracking) to remove spinal subluxations, restore nervous system health and the proper flow of intelligence to all organs and glands. If you are ready to advance your life, no matter what your current health status is, we are on the cutting edge.
Dr. Maria Maricich, D.C.
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