Unlike the Aspens, Jacksons, and Vails of the world, Sun Valley, Idaho, nestled between five mountain ranges and far from metropolitan hubs, lays claim to a few unrivaled traditions, firsts, and designations that truly set it apart from the rest. Check these 7 things that you might not know about Sun Valley.
Behind the Scenes: Making the Summer in Sun Valley Hyperlapse Video
Endless hours were put in to creating the Sun Valley summer hyperlapse video. Get a behind-the-scenes glimpse at what it took to create this mere 4-minute piece highlighting summer in Sun Valley, Idaho.
The Refinement of the Rad: Why Sun Valley is the Best Place to Learn
Like many other ski towns, Sun Valley boasts a high expert-per-capita ratio when it comes to all things outdoor recreation. Walk into any given bar to encounter three ski movie stars, one insta famous rock climber, and a handful of Olympic gold medalists. The defining factor of Sun Valley locals, however, is that most folks are not all that pretentious about their expertise. Take this example. One of my friends came to town without knowing how to ski. On his first day on the mountain, a new acquaintance offered to teach him some tricks and proceeded to spend the entire day helping him pizza and french fry down Baldy’s most mellow slopes. A week later, my friend attended a local showing of a ski movie only to discover footage of his humble instructor smashing graceful lines on the world’s tallest peaks. “I had no idea he was a professional skier,” my buddy told me. “I can’t believe I spent eight hours snow plowing with a professional skier.” Like I said, as ratios go, we have a high expert per capita, low ego per expert. But what about us non-experts? What about our egos? When I first came to Sun Valley, …
2019 Sun Valley Summer Events
Summers in Sun Valley, Idaho are full of events. We have your full list of 2019 summer events from music and festivals to arts & culture and outdoor races.
A Room With A View
From local artists to recognizable 20th century masters, the accommodations in Sun Valley, Idaho have original artwork hanging in their lobbies, rooms and unexpected places. Ranging from luxurious to quaint and modern to down home, here are a few highlights that offer inspirational views inside.