Imagine casually carving turns down Baldy when all of a sudden you spot the moon streaking across the sky. No, you’re not hallucinating from the lack of oxygen but rather catching a glimpse of the most-recent of two unique art installation on the Roundhouse Express Gondola. The gondola wrap project kicked off several years ago as a joint venture between the U.S Forest Service, the BLM, the City of Ketchum, and the artists as an effort to draw attention to the importance of arts and culture in community. In-part, the Ketchum Art Commission’s (KAC) public art project was conceived to expose people who otherwise would not step into a gallery or museum, to art and artist in unexpected places. KAC has been integrating art into the daily life of the community for years. You can see their efforts around town with art covered utility boxes, sculptures and more uniquely, gondola cars. The first gondola wrap project kicked off several years ago with an image by artist and local legend Ralph Harris. An illustrator and long time ski instructor, Harris’ art has graced the pages of skiing magazines; Ski, Skiing and Ski Racing, stamps, and Forest Service posters around the region celebrating life in the West. His artwork hangs in museums around the country. “To our knowledge, …
Everything You Need to Know for the 2017 Solar Eclipse in Sun Valley, Idaho
Where will you be on Monday, August 21, 2017? If it’s not Sun Valley, you’d better start making plans. Trust me, Sun Valley is exactly where you’ll want to be. August 21, 2017 brings the first total solar eclipse to North America in over 38 years, making it more rare than the coveted snowfall of a Pineapple Express. Everything has to be perfect, with the sun, moon and Earth lined up just so.